Caliente Round

The only issue is that these money bags have a habit of falling at the worst place. 

It’s quite understandable Nina’s mad that the genie didn’t put any consideration that there are young babies around in the house.

Caliente Round

Anyway here are the twins in toddler form!

The cutie that finds his hands amazing right now is Marco Caliente – Lothario, with the personality of  8 / 7 / 9 / 5 / 4 and the zodiac sign of a Scorpio.

And the cutie being held by Nina is Antoni Caliente – Lothario, with the personality of 8 / 2 / 8 / 9 / 4 and the zodiac sign of a Cancer.

Lothario Round

Nina left the twins at Don’s place to get to know their daddy better 😀

Not sure why but the mod I downloaded didn’t treat the babies like they lived here as if there just visitors so they can’t be placed in the cribs. If anyone knows a mod that treats them as if they live here temporarily so Don can treat them better, then be limited to some action that would be great.

Caliente Round

And so we end The Twin Sister’s round with the birth of twins boys and Dina near the birth of her own baby. Amazing how both of them want from being two single ladies to still single but their mothers now! ( thought that might not be the case for Dina ). Their father must be rolling in his grave…

I really need to find better babies poses, there’s a huge lack of them so I was really limited by how far I can pose them as a family.

also, does anyone with more experience with photoshop know how I can get the magic wand to select the really tiny areas it left out without it selecting everything?

Caliente Round

Hands down they look like mini clones of their dad. Even with the fact Marco has blond hair, he could very well pass off as a blond Don.

Will just have to wait and see if they grow up to be like mini Don’s.

Caliente Round

Since am unable to fit the cribs in Nina’s room, i had to place them in Dina’s room. Dina’s about to experience how tricky babies are.

Let’s also ignore the total lack of safety of a newborn being placed on top of a crib that high and that somehow pillows will keep him safe…