The Great Tumblr Move

Made this account so I could save up my Tumblr post just in case I lose everything there. Everything is really messy right now but I plan to clean it up while deciding what to do here later.

I have a dreamwidth blog also so you can follow me from there too.

Wanna explore my tags/category from the beginning. Here’s some neat trick I just learned from wordpress!

Add a String to Your URLs

  1. Find the URL of the posts you wish to display chronologically.  You can choose your whole blog feed, a specific category, or even a tag.
    Your URL should look something like this:
  2. Choose a start date!  You can pick which date you want to be the starting point for your posts.
    Let’s say we pick January 1, 2014.
  3. Add that date to your URL:
    That should give us all the posts from January, starting with the newest.
  4. Reverse the order by adding ?order=asc to the end of the URL:
    Now you should see all the posts from January, starting with the oldest!
  5. Optional: create a custom menu with a link to the URL you created
  6. You can also show all your posts for the year like this:
  8. You can show your posts for a specific Category like this (substitute “topic-ideas” for your category name):
  10. Or you can even show your posts for a specific Tag like this (substitute “humor” for your tag name):

25/12/2019 – Decided to use wordpress as my back up of almost all my tumblr posts and using dreamwidth to post only my sims gameplay.

I’m still here!

Hey, guys! Sorry for the lack of notice and random reblogs. I’ve been busy with finishing off my exams before the summer holiday that I forgot to post that I would be inactive till it was done. Sorry again!

I’m mostly posting this now to give a notice why I haven’t updated anything and that even when the summer holiday’s start I might take awhile to post anything from the megahood again. Because I ran into an issue with the game again… Whenever I had time I would play the game to try and finish the remaining family rounds. I had just finished the Dreamers round and was able to play the Bachelor-Birch family round for a bit when my game kept crashing or would go unbelievably slow. 

So I decided to do two things once I’ve finished the last exam. First I’m going to post the pictures I have taken so that the blog gets a bit active again. Then I’m going to fix my sims 2 download folder, cause I’m 100% sure the issues I’m getting are from my messy folder, and once that’s fixed, I can continue off where I left off in the game.

I’m planning to post here any fixes I’ve made on my own custom creation and on any CC from other simmer while organising the folder, (like converting to other ages or adding morphs). Since I’m tidying up my folder I might as well clean up the CC’s too.