Lothario Goth Round

I needed a cute family portrait to add on my little stories page since this is kinda the start of a new family household.

I should be able to post the Brokes family round soon after this one and once they’re done we only got the Dreamers and Bachelor Birch family to go through and then I’m official got all the Pleasentview family in sync with each other.

Lothario Goth Round

Dirk: You and Cassandra seem to be a very happy couple, can you give any advice for me and my girlfriend?

Don: Oh sure, first you got to cheat on her with other girls. Then get your Ex pregnant with your child while you’re engaged with your girlfriend. After you marry said girlfriend you go through some awkward cheating with your ex again cause you might have some feeling for her still. You then wait till your girlfriend, now wife gets pregnant with aliens first so that you can later have your own child together. You then live on balancing feelings you have for both your ex and wife, while hoping none of this brings chaos!

Lothario Goth Round

Fun Fact: Back before I made this blog, I used to abuse the MaxMotive cheat, now that I wanted to play this megahood cheat free I have to fight the need to use it when I see this cause the time my sims are using to clean their mess, that they were too tried to do, is a time that could have been spent to improve their needs…

Lothario Goth Round

Cassandra: Oh sim god I’ve ruined this family name before it has even begun. When I give birth to this one and everyone sees the huge difference on their appearances it’ll really get the gossip going. Ethan, Nathan and this baby are even going to get bullied because of me!

Don: Hey, hey don’t say that. Sims are always going to gossip, we just have to ignore it and live our lives. The only thing Ethan and Nathan are going to care about is having a little brother or sister to play with.

Cassandra: …But what about the money? with the twins and now this baby needing me to care for them, I won’t be able to get back to work for awhile and help out on paying the bills.

Don: I’m a Surgeon now remember? And I’m just two promotions away in being Pleasentview next Chief of Hospital Staff. I’ll soon earn more than enough money to provide for our family. So all you need to do is relax and let this little cutie grow up big and strong. 

Cassandra: yea… sorry Don It’s been such stressful day for me, I guess it must have made me worry about nothing.

Don: you know… I can help with that stress of yours *grins*

Lothario Goth Round

Don: That something… does it have anything to do with the fact that the twins father is an alien?

Cassandra: !? How d-

Don: Soon as the babies were born and I went to see them, instantly I could tell they were from your alien abduction. After all, they do have a green skin.

Cassandra: aren’t you upset? 

Don: I try not to… but I sometimes feel upset that they aren’t mine, knowing that they don’t share the same DNA with me. It doesn’t help when people shove it in my face how the twins aren’t mine.

Cassandra: wait there’s already gossip about me and the twins father!

Don: ah! 

Lothario Goth Round

 Don: Oh! what’s the mat- oh!

Cassandra: Yeah, I’m pregnant again…I thought we were careful but… I guess not, haha…

Don: What’s the matter? I thought you would be happy about this more. Didn’t you say you dreamed of having a big family?

Cassandra: I still do, it’s just… this not the best time to have another one right now. We got the twins to provide and take care of, I got my family issue to deal with now. Did you know mum took the family money when she moved out? Dina and dad told me during a phone call, so I got that to sort out. And…I still haven’t talked to you about something…

Lothario Goth Round

Cassandra: So… how did it go?

Don: hm?

Cassandra: Your hospital emergency, you’ve been gone for awhile so I imagine it was complicated.

Don: Oh erm, it was the usually. A couple of sims has a little to much fruit punch and suddenly they’re daring each other to shallow items that they shouldn’t have.

Cassandra:… Don, I need to talk with you.

Lothario Goth Round

Don: I can’t be the only one to see there is something more going on.

Dina: As long as she isn’t getting hurt I support her decisions. What about you? I hope my daughter-in-law is ok with the twins while your here.

Don: Shoot Cassandra and the twins birthday! I got to go, tell Nina I said goodbye!

Lothario Goth Round

Nina: Ok, one, where was this concern when I had called you to babysit the twins while I want to work? Second, I’m not dating Buzz so you can stop getting worked up over nothing. Even if I was it’s still not of your importance. You chose Cassandra, remember?

Don:… so, your not in a relationship?

Nina: With the look he gave when you said we were descendants from aliens, I don’t think I got a chance anymore.

Don: !?

Nina: *laughs* Relax Don, you seem to have forgotten that I don’t like being tied down to anyone. Now just enjoy the outing and if you pick on him again I will call a taxi for you.

Lothario Goth Round

Nina: Explain yourself, NOW!

Don: Me! how about you explain why you brought that Buzz guy to this outing.

Nina: Why should I? who I bring to the outing isn’t any importance to you

Don: I would like to know what kind of person is going to be around my kids!

Nina: Oh please, we both know that isn’t the real reason your upset about. I though we understand each other on being on good terms for the twins?

Don: We are in good terms! and I am very much worried about what the twins are learning with that…guy around them. If the first thing he makes you do is to go to the booth to woohoo then imagine what he’ll teach them!

Lothario Goth Round

Don: Oh so sorry Buzz, I didn’t know the subject of aliens would make you uncomfortable. I keep forgetting that not everyone is opened minded about it.



Nina: You know of a subject you shouldn’t talk about Don, the subject were I already told who’s the real father of my children yet your wife has yet to tell anyone that her twins are of an alien abduction. Tell me Don, has Cassandra even talked to you about who’s the twins real father is?


Dina: Erm Waiter, Waiter!. Check please!

Lothario Goth Round

Don: Too bad you couldn’t get any advice on how to raise kids with alien heritage

Buzz: Wait… aliens!?

Nina: Don, I swear to sims god…

Don: What’s the matter, Nina? I thought you don’t keep secrets.

Nina: That is not the issue right now!

Buzz: But you don’t have any green skin?

Dina: That’s cause our Grandparents were the aliens, and… as the family got bigger the alien features must have slowly disappeared.

Buzz: I see…

Lothario Goth Round

Dina: erm…so how did you guys meet?

Nina: There was a meeting for single parents that I want to while I was pregnant. I needed some pieces of advice since I would be taking care of them alone. And met Buzz through that meeting.

Buzz: We ended up talking about what to expect with a newborn and I gave some advice from what I went through with my kids.

Lothario Goth Round

Don: Wow Nina I’m shocked you didn’t break your hand there, what with you carrying Buzz like a lover there.

Nina: Oh boy here we go…

Don: You know as a new mother, we wouldn’t want you to suddenly be unable to care for them now.

Buzz: If I had been the cause of said injury I would gladly come over with my kids to help out till Nina recovers.

Don: Wait you knew she has kids!?

Nina: Oh I don’t keep secrets, unlike someone I know.